Monday 4 June 2012

Day 4: Little Miss Jumpy (no exaggeration in the blog at all)

Little Miss Jumpy was out running her regular route, when suddenly a huge lion jumped out and made her scream very loudly.

Lions are quite rare in the Surrey area and so Little Miss Jumpy wasn't expecting such a large and ferocious animal. Little Miss Jumpy can be regularly heard screaming in the East Surrey area. Last week a horse fly landed on her leg and left a large (still healing up) bite. A few days later a bird pooed on her from above, after the horse fly it was a lucky escape!

Whilst screaming at the lion, Little Miss Jumpy realised if she had the breath to scream loudly whilst running, perhaps she wasn't putting 100% effort into her runs.

The rest of the run was fairly mundane and routine, you don't need to hear the detail. However on arriving home from her 5 miles, a text from Little Miss Jumpy's daughter said she would be 30 minutes late home, so Little Miss Jumpy, nipped out for another mile taking today's total to 6 miles.

Miles: 6
Total miles: 32
Lions (Tabby cats) jumping out: 1


  1. Haha, this blog post really made me smile :) Well done on the 6 miles and the ferocious lion!

  2. Very funny blog post made me smile too

  3. LOL Im glad you outran the lion - I think I need to find one to help me out with my speedwork tomorrow...

  4. Was the lion bigger than a squirrel? I think that's what's important here.
