Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 3: Little Miss Jubilee

Today was the Diamond Jubilee River Thames Pageant. It was an early start for Little Miss Jubilee, who arrived at London's River Thames, with Mr Fast, at around 8:30. They staked out a good spot on the Chelsea Embankment and waited for the Queen. She eventually arrived at around 3pm. The Flotilla looked amazing and despite the rain everyone had a great time!

On arriving back at home, Little Miss Jubilee nipped out for a quick and short 4 miles, taking the three day total up to a marathon distance. Little Miss Jubilee enjoyed her run (after standing still all day it was good to get out and move)!

Miles: 4
Total Miles: 26
Number of Monarchs spotted: 1


  1. well done on 4 miles. All that standing around! hope you had a good day x

  2. very busy day :)

  3. Lucky you getting to attend the River Pageant. Thoroughly jealous

  4. Love the picture!
