Monday 12 March 2012

Marathon update: Tiredness tourettes

It's been weeks and weeks since my last blog. I thought it time to update you!

I'm still on track with my marathon training, despite 3 emergency hospital visits since Christmas, I've managed to keep up with my long runs. Week day miles have been less easy to do, but thats the joys of single parenthood and juggling rather few too many things in life!

I've been out on the trail most weeks, clocked up an 18 mile trail run and have covered a considerable distance of the North Downs Way something I'd really like to achieve! Running trails has been so exciting, I'm finding I'm less anxious about the long runs if they're on the trail. I'm sure I've developed a stronger core, an awesome ability to get covered in mud and managed to learn how to negotiate numerous stiles when absolutely exhausted at the end of the run.

We've also discovered I suffer from tiredness 'tourettes'. Though I've only had one 'bout and that was after a particularly hilly run to Box Hill and back, I'm not sure if anyone else suffers from this language based running speech disorder. Its usually manifest in response to helpful cheery (7 min mile boyfriend) saying helpful encouraging phrases or yet more hills or walking passers by offering helpful advice such as 'be careful it's very slippy' ('Yes, I know, I've just run 18 miles in it!')!

All in all, my running isn't faster, but my hill running is stronger and my love and appreciation of the beautiful countryside I live so near, is growing with every run.

I'm excited by the thought of another marathon in April, however I have an empirical project with a plie of non-significant results to write up first! Watch this space....


  1. you doing so well Jo! see you saturday x

  2. Looking good Jo, you sound on top form! Good luck and enjoy the trails, it's much more fun! :-)

  3. WOW - trail training for a marathon - you will fly round the roads.
