Wednesday 1 February 2012

Fabulous February

Last night, I felt rather like Eeyore from the famous A.A.Milne stories. Eeyore is a bit of depressive donkey and should he ever seek help from his GP, he most certainly would be referred for some talking therapy on the NHS. My downhearted Eeeyore-like state was not in need of NHS support but rather a putting to bed of past failures (janathon) and the beginning of new challenges for the month of Febulous. 

So, today I begun a new venture, supported by able twit-mates, Denis, Jenny, Hayley and Rachel. We will complete each day 

  • 50 press ups
  • 50 lunges
  • 50 sit ups
  • 50 squats
  • 1 plank
Denis has even made a chart for us to tick off when we've completed each activity so there is no escape, there's been no talk of punishments if we don't complete the tasks but they are a tough bunch of ladies. I might have mentioned quietly that I maybe didn't like lunges, and very quickly I was told they were good for me and I should basically man-up. I'm thinking of getting a note from my mum excusing me from lunges or perhaps I could develop an serious lunge disease.

 In addition I ran 5k this morning. It was freezing cold and so many attractive layers of running gear were required to prevent hypothermia reaching any vital regions.The run was uneventful, though there was a man shouting loudly and crossly at himself down one of the main roads I ran down, he clearly was very upset about something. I was concerned as at 8:10 there was lots of children walking to school along that road. When I ran back he had appeared to have calmed down and was looking in the window of the church, all very strange and rather sad. 

I've also decided to follow the water challenge part of #fitteam12 and try and drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day. I'm notoriously bad at drinking (water mainly, I can drink wine with relative ease), I can go all day without a drink, so I hope this will get me into good habits. I'm also giving up coffee for february. It's not that I drink it that much it's that it's a stimulant and I don't want to make my heart race any more than it is already! Tomorrow I'm off for investigations into my recent heart aches and I'm looking forward to doing a short run with the 24hour ecg monitor they are going to wire me up to. 

Today's blog was brought to you by an olympic gold level of essay avoidance


  1. Good luck with Febulous & the trip to the Hossie - at least you'll be in safe hands x

  2. Good luck with the new challenge, and I hope everything works out with the heart probs.

  3. You have inspired me to download the 'working up to 150 situps/squats and 100 pushups' for the unmpeenth time onto my phone, and actually stick to it this time!

  4. Hey eeyore, it's tigger here! Just been catching up on blogs and saw this. Hope you're feeling more tigerish now! :-)
