Sunday 29 January 2012

What I think about trail running when I go trail running...

A month ago I got some lovely trail shoes. I've never had a pair and so this was very exciting! I've probably only done about 42 miles trail miles this month, but they are my first proper trail runs so they're still quite exciting. So I thought if anyone still reads this blog, I'd blog about my thoughts from the trail.

1. A trail run mile is the length same as a road mile, but actually (like an off road bike mile compared to an on road bike mile) it sometimes take double the effort.
2. Even if you're a speedy road runner it's unlikely you'll get a 7 min mile on a hilly, rocky, sandy or muddy trail! This suits me fine, I have discovered I am good at endurance, I was born to trail run, I can run slow for hours!
3. Two gels isn't enough for a 14 mile trail run, it might tide you over on the road but fuelling on the trail needs to be a bit more thought out! I also drank loads of water despite it being proper chilly! I even think on a long trail run I could get away with flapjacks, small sandwiches maybe!
4. Mud is really fun to run through, and there are different kind of mud, sticky mud is secure to run through but requires a kind of prancing pony step in order to pluck your shoes out of the mud! Sandy mud is my favourite, firm and not too slidey!
5. The views generated from running up 2275 feet are well worth the effort!
6. Trail running unleashes some awesome running styles from within. The ministry of silly runs would have snapped me up for active service today, balancing and running downhill in a quagmire requires an adaptable running style.
7. Running up and down humungous hills must surely burn more calories/mars bars. Certainly saving yourself from certain death as you almost fall into a hedge/down a bank/cliff  (as Steve nearly did several times today) will burn extra calories!
8. A foam roller is an essential part of kit for a trail runner.
9. A strong core is bound to be a by product of trail running.

So, there you go, what I think about when I go trail running. It's fab, we loved it!


  1. Sounds like great fun - a bit like dog walking but for thrill junkies! Glad you're enjoying it - and you have Steve to entertain you with his falling over (please don't let him die though!)

  2. I laughed where you noted that "saving yourself" from almost falling is excellent exercise. Indeed! And practical, too :-) It's a lot more interesting than Plank-a-Day, don't you think? You should post some video demonstrations for the rest of us to emulate! Maybe Steve would be happy to model proper technique for you?
