Thursday 5 January 2012

Who let the dogs out? Day 5

A change is as good as a rest so they say, so this morning, I laced up my new trail shoes and decided to explore the local footpaths. I've only had my trail shoes a week and so haven't really had a chance (apart from 12k up Box Hill) to give them a run out locally. I'd planned a route that I though was about 6miles ish. However on arriving at the footpath starting point I was met with a sea of muddy farm mud slurry. Undeterred by a bit of mud, I ventured across, got pretty covered in the process and tried to find the footpath. I couldn't find it, I did find several old cars, oil drums and a creepy looking shed that probably contained an axe murderers hideout, to investigate further would have meant hurdling the gate (I've never been good at hurdles). So I cowardly turned back and found another footpath a bit further up.

I ran across the fields, it was muddy and soft underfoot, perfect leg therapy for a hardy road runner. Fields around here are pretty waterlogged at the moment and there was a Heron standing at the edge of this flood but he didn't wait for my picture!!

This was the access from one field to another, it's a good job I'm only little! Eventually I had run a mile and had reached a gate. Unfortunately on the other side of the gate were two huge yappy dogs who looked fierce. I'm not a great dog lover, especially when out running, so as Ross Kemp would say ' I got outta there!'. Back along the trail I ran as fast as I could through the mud!

  The run back home was lovely, it was windy yes, but it was also glorious sunshine. These country views are a stones throw from where I live and I am so glad I now have the right gear to get out and enjoy the paths. I arrived home to find I'd only run 2 miles, so I grabbed my regular running shoes and nipped out for a 4.2, bringing today's total to a respectable 6.2 miles or 10k.

I'm really enjoying reading other people's blogs, inspired by Heidi's blog yesterday  I decided to run with my little camera today. So sorry if it's a bit of a dull post but hope the Surrey fields in January sun will make up for it!

I've also been encouraged by Mark to include a joke in my blog each day, I fear this will lose me readers rather than gain them but here goes....#jokeathon

What do you call a man with no shins?                                Tony :)

Miles today : 6.2
Total miles: 19
Total planks:5
Number of bags of iced gems: CLASSIFIED!


  1. Well done Jo, like the pics of blue sky. Wish we had that here...

    Go on, tell us how many bags of iced gems!!

  2. If I was out running and I came across the scene in the first photo I'd be very happy.... providing I was wearing my trail shoes!

  3. Thanks for the mention, schweetie :-) We artists love to inspire others! I too love reading other blogs & will often laugh aloud or call out affirmations as I read... much to husband's dismay, as it ruins his concentration as he sits across from me, trying to read other things, HA! Wish I had the time to read & comment more. My goodness, runners are an interesting breed, aren't they?

    I'm dull, tho... as I didn't get the joke at first. But I do now (spoiler alert): Toe-knee. Groan!

  4. Well done - great photos. Just pretend all dogs are Archie - you're fine with him xxx
