Friday 6 January 2012

How to survive during an 'Athon': Day 6

I thought it might amuse you to hear my top tips on surviving an 'athon' rather than a dreary post about yet another non-eventful 5k run in the sun this morning.

1. When someone suggested last year a rolling pin would work just as well as 'The Stick' for home physio/patching up/keeping your legs in one piece, as a hard-up student I jumped at the chance. I have to admit it got me through the 160 something miles I ran last June and through my marathon training, its great at working those achy breaky parts of your legs and I can honestly say it does work. I also keep it by the side of my bed, handy for single girls who might need to ward off burglars or axe men in the middle of the night!

2. An 'athon' requires copious amounts of washing, unless you're very rich and have 7 days worth of gore outfits in your wardrobe, I don' stock up on washing powder/launderette loyalty cards and fire up your mangle!

3. A well stocked fridge will keep the 'athon' munchies at bay. We all know the importance of a balanced diet during training. This probably means having a cake in each hand, that's fairly well balanced.  All the extra exercise means you're allowed to eat a bit more unless you're on a weight loss drive, in which case you can eat more celery. Don't forget it's important to stay well hydrated before, during and after exercise, this is very important.

4. Last year after Janathon, I became very anemic and so would highly recommend taking a vitamin supplement of some sort or eating lots of spinach or venison pie (if you're posh or from Scotland). I take iron, girlie b vitamins to make me less witchlike, and glucosamine (not sure this actually works but I have a big bottle so waste not want not).

5. Lastly it's important to keep your priorities in perspective during the month of Janathon. I hope the following table helps.

Joke of the day:
What do you call a man who likes to work out?


Miles: 3.2
Total mileage:23


  1. I wondered how I was going to survive - will have to dig out rolling pin. I'm already taking the pills, and funnily enough today's salad contains spinach! Thank you for the advice to us Janathon virgins xxx

  2. Love the rolling pin suggestion. I'll have to try that! I'm also taking glucoasmine but will definitely look at taking other supplements to get me through the next 25 days!

  3. Nice tips! I'll have to dig out my foam roller, although I don't think I could do much 'protecting of the family' during the night with it. Then again, if someone is threatening to beat you into submission with some foam, they are probably going to be quite scary..

  4. I like it! Especially the fridge...

  5. Love the 'Priorities' table - sounds about right I think :)

  6. LOL great post, and so wise!

  7. If I were the illustrative type, I'd draw a diagram of two overlapping circles, labelled "funny" and "true". In the overlap I would write "This post".
    Great blog - my graphics department may be in touch... :)

  8. Jo you’re amazing! I loved that blog post :) The rolling pin idea sounds great for squishing out the fascia… how do you use it? As for Janathon, taking priority over life, I’ve had to sell my children to a running shoe manufactuer.

  9. Been sat here for about 4 hours eating, drinking and reading blogs, then I read yours and now I'm laughing my tits off. (but not at the crap joke at the end! - you need to do better than that!!!!). x

  10. OOOOOH I WANT YOUR FRIDGE! (Well actually I want what's in it not the actualy fridge thanks)

  11. Ha! All very true but the 'copious amounts of washing' is striking a certain chord with me at the moment!

  12. Sheer brilliance. That is all.

  13. Great tips :)
    Love how tidy the fridge is ;)
