Wednesday 4 January 2012

What a beautiful morning: Day 4

Peeping through my bedroom curtains this morning, I was greeted by a radiant beautiful pink/red sky. The sun was just beginning to rise, there was no rain, it didn't look windy. I quickly scoured the road for refuse collection receptacles that had gone amiss, there were none. There was no excuse not to run! My running stuff was laid out ready from the night before so it was only a few moments from getting up, looking out and risk assessing the weather, instructing mini-psycho-jogger not to open the door or set fire to anything, to my exit from the building. My legs were feeling a little more human and less pirate peg leg today, which meant I'd run 5k, along a familiar route in a fairly relaxed pace. So for those trusted friends who know me better... I'm back. I'll never forgive myself for counting a wheelie bin chase as a run, but DOMS is a cruel and unforgiving affliction and it was freakingly windy here yesterday!

In other news, I've been shopping today (student loan day woo) and I came home with 2 new pairs of running tights (several tops and a cardigan but we won't mention those). These should tide me over as I've had to retire several pairs of faithful running tights due to their growing transparency!!! It was a sad day when I binned the tights I ran the London Marathon 2008 in, but all good things must come to an end and they've served me well over many winters running. But I don't want to get arrested or attract unwanted attention!

Thanks for reading, happy running!

Miles today:3
Janathon miles: 13 (haha) so much for keeping up my average!
Legendary rating: 3
new running tights purchased:2


  1. Lovely sky in the photo Jo. Unfortunately, 'dawn' isn't a concept I'm familiar with; It makes my head hurt just thinking about it. Hope the DOMS continues to improve, well done and we'll forgive the slack effort yesterday for the entertainment value you provided!

  2. Lovely photo - well done for getting back on the road x

  3. Beautiful photo!

  4. With a sky like that it's worth getting out. I wish my work would let me run at sunrise or sunset, but unfortunately for the next few months it's just not possible.

    There's nothing like going out shopping for new outdoor kit. You do sound like me though - I hate throwing things away that I've done big events in

  5. What a stunning sky! Sounds like you had a good run! :)

  6. I love that photo, it's stunning! Well done on getting out for a run and I won't worry about classing a bin chase as a run, I only managed to run round the back garden today.

  7. I also don't do dawn but I do know the need for new running tights when told at BMF that mine are see thro!

  8. Gorgeous sky - well worth getting out of bed for!
