Sunday 22 January 2012

Couch to half marathon and my first 'doing a Paula'!

Yesterday I awoke to the chilling reminder that there was a marathon to train for. This meant I had to run 14 miles to jump on board the training plan. For reasons to which I shall not bore you the past few weeks have been rather less than legendary and I've hardly run at all. In fact since finishing the Loch Ness Marathon, the longest distance I've run is just under 8 miles.

Of course if you read any of the glossy magazines you'll hear 'wise words' such as never do a long run in new shoes in case your feet fall off afterwards: try telling that to my boyfriend who successfully ran 20 miles in his new shoes and his feet didn't fall off. A sensible training plan would also tell you to increase your mileage steadily...

I am this weekend the epitome of all that you shouldn't do. I had a late night before my long run. Didn't eat much breakfast, had a huge mug of tea, hadn't built my mileage up...and still against all the odds went out for a long run.

It began rather well. We drove to a disused railway about 6 miles away. No cars, only the occasional cyclist (without helmet usually), lots of runners and quite a few dog walkers. About a mile in, I had to take my first ever mid-run-bladder-emptying-stop. Or as Steve put it 'doing a Paula', fortunately I'm usually OK with this kind of thing, but today the tea had progressed through at a speed I could not have imagined. It was not dignified, but I clambered down the bank into a large ditch (well hidden from the road) whilst loyal boyfriend kept watch! I seriously don't think I've ever had such a long wee! It reminded me of the trip to the start of the Loch Ness Marathon, a lady on the coach in front, leapt out and in front of hundreds of runners...well you can read what happened here!

After that the run progressed reasonably well. The last 4 miles were tough and I had to resort to a run 1 mile walk 1 minute strategy. At the end I'd managed a half marathon in a shockingly slow time. Not bad really. So, it looks like marathon training is back on! Euch! No escaping now!

I now have a foam roller, so spent last night working out a few post-run issues. We went for a 4 mile walk today and that was good to stretch out the legs and get a bit of exercise! So those who say it shouldn't/cannot/wont be done...well it seems it can. Will I still be saying that tomorrow!


  1. :) Ahh, the rules were always made to be broken...good luck with the training, mine starts tomorrow!

  2. Well done for getting back on the wagon in style! I regularly have to do a Paula when I'm out on long walks with Shaun & the dog - I'm becoming expert at finding places to "go". Good luck with the rest of your training x

  3. I did the LMN as well last year,all the guys on our coach had a propper giggle at the 'ladies' going for a wee stop.
    Awesome run ,what was your time ?


  4. Good run - back on track for next marathon I think!

  5. Ah, don't be shy about weeing in the woods, boys do it all the time. Just be careful of nettles. In fact on back-pack runs its always worth taking a final 1/4 of a bog roll just in case you need to do what normally is reserved for bears... ERK

  6. Yay! You're back! Assuming you legs are still attached tomorrow, sod the rules.
    Thought about you on my run today when an iOW VW camper van overtook me!

  7. Ah ha, attagirl! Big changeover since your last post :-)

    "... don't think I've ever hed such a long wee" made me laugh aloud. Cheers to your renewed training & the world's longest wee!

    Hey, you finally got me convinced about plank-a-day. I started Friday. My gym removed 3 pieces of equipment this week, all for abdominal/core exercise, as they were deemed "ineffective toward core strengthening &/or potentially damaging to other areas of the body"... the hopsital's physical therapy team is conducting workshops on replacement techniques for core strength-building... & guess what one of the methods is? Yes, PLANKING. You trendsetter, you! ;-)

  8. That's what partners are for, keeping a look out! Well done with the marathon training.

  9. Ah thank god for foam rollers when you are training for a marathon! You did really well to get out a do that mileages - its the 2nd week of feb and I'm only up to 11!
