Tuesday 3 January 2012

An open letter to Janathon Health and Safety: Day 3

Dear Janathon Health and Safety Inspectorate,

Today I awoke to the scary noise of my wheely bin and recycling box being blown down the road. I jumped out of bed and laced up my running shoes and put on my pink fluffy dressing gown. Heroically, I dashed out of the front door to catch up with my wheely bin which frankly was doing a pace even Mo Farrah would be proud of. I then had to dash back down the cul-de-sac and retrieve the recycling box. This should be counted as rubbish retrieval repeats, something lacking in all marathon training schedules. 

Given that the wind blew the top off Epsom Racecourse, destroyed a panel of my fence and smashed the glass in my shed window I did a nano second risk assessment and decided that my dressing gown dash should count towards my Janathon endeavours today. It has nothing to do with the exceedingly bad DOMS I have in my legs following 3400 of up and down elevations on Sunday. 

I know you have the safety of all Janathoners at heart and will willingly accept my hardcore/allweather/winddriven/wheelybin/recycling box dash as my exercise attempt today. 

Yours windily


Miles:  0:01
Wheely bins retrieved:1
Recycling boxes saved: 1
Legendary rating: 2


  1. Blog of the day! Fantastic.

  2. I agree with Helen - the vision of you in your pink fluffy dg & running shoes - lol x Well done

  3. Definitely sensible. Would have joined you if not for weather forcasting father saying pm would be safe!

  4. I chucked a wedge of blue stilton that was left over from the xmas dinner cheeseboard in my wheelie bin this morning, as it was actually green stilton and smelled worse than my asics after a half-marathon (but only slightly worse). If my wheelie bin had sailed off in the wind I would have quite happily let it and the stilton go merrily on their way! Fluffy pink dressing gown run indeed - trust you to lower the tone of janathon by day 3!

  5. one of those 'youve been framed' moments :)

  6. Our neighbours could learn from your recycling bin retrieval antics - theirs always ends up on our drive when it's windy! ;)
