Thursday 12 January 2012

Sick note: day 12

Dear Janathon Welfare Officer,
Joanna was unable to run today because she:
* had a headache
* had run out of running clothes
* spent the entire day in the emergency clinical assessment unit at the hospital
* had too much chocolate cake
* was possibly suffering from a pulmonary embolism which possibly could ruin your day or your life
* you really don't want to know
* her garmin was out of charge
Yours sincerely
Joanna's Mum

JOKEATHON: Who do mice pray to?? .. CHEESUS!
Chest xrays:1
ECG: 1
Blood dodged:2 litres (not mine)
Pounds lost in car park: £6
Cross contamination avoidance: LEGENDARY (at the moment)
Possible MRSA contracted: The jury's still out
Cheese sandwiches:1


  1. Oh my! I hope you feel better soon! You are more than welcome to have some of my janathon miles, not that there are many!

  2. Whoa there! Take it easy. At least you can laugh about it now, but take care, seriously, do you hear me? Hope it's all OK.

  3. That is taking the festival of excuses to extremes. I hope you get/got the all clear.

  4. Jo, you are NOT making me laugh today. You're scaring the beCheesus out of me! I hope to hear some GOOD news about this soon, in all seriousness. Meanwhile, take very good care! XOXO, Heidi

  5. A possible pulmonary embolism (couldn't you have chosen a shorter infliction to type) and a hospital cheese sandwich! Well I hope the former doesn't become reality and the latter can seriously damage you're health! Take care Jo x

  6. oh dear I hope you are OK
