Wednesday 11 January 2012

Plank note: Janathon day11

Today's exercise has been extreme planking. I provide the following photographic evidence of Janathon planking in my house this evening.
Me doing an orange plank
Amy's bear doing a normal plank
Bear soon moved on to more 'advanced planking'!
The Grim Reaper popped in and did a grim plank

Amy (with tonsillitis) did a 2 second plank before collapsing!

Jokeathon: A cheese and pickle sandwich walked into a bar and asks for a drink. The barman replied "Sorry we don't serve food"!

Planks: lots


  1. Poor Amy - she did well to manage 2 seconds. Great planking, joke a bit hah hah! x

  2. Quite literally LOL -- when's the DVD coming out?
