Sunday 15 January 2012

The end of Janathon for me :o)

It was a beautiful frosty morning in Surrey. After the events of the last few days, I still wasn't feeling 100% , so we decided that a walk would be better than the planned trail run. In fact it was really useful to do a recce for a future trail run. We walked about 7 miles in total and enjoyed views of the Surrey/Sussex countryside, it was such a clear day, you could see for miles! There were lots of walkers, a few runners and tons of cyclists. W even think we saw Chrissie Wellington, powering up the Box Hill zig zag road, over taking other cyclists! What a legend!

We even attempted to find out first Geocache, we were within about 50 meters when the fruit based mobile telephone lost signal! Doh! We'll be back to find another one!

Thanks for all those friends who sent me get well messages. Last week I spent two days in two separate hospitals having tests, there were plans on Friday to keep me in for the weekend, but I managed to escape at the eleventh hour just as they'd found me a bed! Thank goodness. I have to have some more out patient investigations to see what might be going on, but the main news is I am allowed to continue running.

I did do a run (whilst under registrar and cardio nurse supervision) on Friday, it was very funny. I was wearing skinny jeans and long boots, a hospital gown, no sports bra in fact no bra and a rather fetching ECG machine, no trainers or lycra in sight!

Because of the events of the past few days, I've not managed to run as I've felt too poorly or been stuck in a hospital waiting room, I've regretfully decided to hang up my Janathon shoes, this is because I've already missed a few days and it's not my style to do things by halves. I may run tomorrow, but only if I feel completely better.

Giving up a challenge is not really my style, but the events of the last few weeks have taught me that whilst challenge and pushing yourself is important so is listening to your body and staying well. I've been given the nod from the cardiologist to continue running and all being well I'll be back on track really soon. I have a marathon to train for!

Best wishes to everyone at this half way point, I'll be reading my favourite blogs and keeping up with your progress.

Love Jo x


  1. Sorry to hear about your health troubles.I know it is hard to give up on a challenge but as you say it is so important to listen to your body. Hope the marathon training goes well. x

  2. Sorry to hear that Jo - looking after yourself is more important especially as you have Amy to consider. Hopefully my lovely brother is looking after to you too - if he's not let me know! See you soon x

  3. Just take it easy, and look after yourself xx

  4. oh well, although it doesnt seem like some days, there is more to life than Janathon, take it easy, get yourself sorted and we'll see you in Juneathon

  5. You poor thing, you still haven’t lost your amazing sense of humour. Sorry that you have been poorly, I hadn’t realised how bad. You’ve done the right thing to listen to your body XXX

  6. Sorry you've not been well - we've been missing your posts and tweets for the last few days. I think you've done the right thing. Hopefully you'll be fighting fit in time for Juneathon!

  7. My gosh, Jo, don't you dare give a care about "giving up a challenge!" It's one thing to run thru a bum foot or twitchy knee, but your condition is NOT that. You are doing the right thing taking time to get squared away now, in favor of a stronger, brighter future... like that upcoming marathon!! :-)

    Just don't bake (& eat) too many cakes while you are recuperating, HA!

  8. The prime reason for Janathon is to spur us on to better physical (and mental, maybe not) health. When you're health goes a little wobbly you need to slow down or stop. You've done the right thing stopping, make sure you're mended in time for Juneathon but whatever happens, make sure you're mended first ;-)
