Saturday 7 January 2012

Reasons why I run 1 & 2: Day 7

Reasons why I run...
1. So I don't get fatter than I am already. See the ( slightly aged and not to everyone's comedic taste) video below for a laugh and inspiration as to why nobody wants to get FAT! 

2. So I can eat cake! 

BORING BIT: Today I only ran 3 miles, due to poorly lungs recovering from a (previously undisclosed) asthma attack on Sunday. Apparently I should give up running for a while and let them heal, pah to that I say so I cut my planned 12 miles down to a healthy 3 today.

Total Janathon miles:26

#JOKEATHON: I was walking past the cake shop, outside was a sign saying 'ALL CAKES £1'. Wow, I thought that's a bargain, the cakes looked yummy. SO I nipped inside and pointed at the biggest, yummiest looking cake on display. 'I'll have that one please', I asked the baker. 'That'll be £2.50 please' said the baker. Shocked I retorted 'Outside it says that all cakes are £1, how come you're charging me £2.50'. 'Ah that's madeira cake' says the baker....


  1. I know we joke about it, but take it easy. Three miles is great under the circumstances. x

  2. Ha ha! What;s wrong with Madeira m'dear? well done on getting out there> you're doing great! :-)
