Sunday 8 January 2012

Mid-Janathon Murders: Day 8

Today has transpired into my pretty perfect Sunday, in fact the prefix to Sunday was pretty awesome too! Yesterday me and Steveierun71 went to Brighton and had coffee and dinner and went to see Spamalot, which was hilariously funny!

This morning, involved a short lie in, healthy breakfast of grapefruit, scrambled eggs, and coffee. We then set off to drive 6 miles into the Countryside for our second Sunday trail run of 2012! We both loved the Box Hill run last Sunday and are signed up for the Bookham 10k another hilly trail route, so we've decided to try and make Sunday a 'fun' trail running day, as long as we get our long marathon training run out of the way on a Saturday!

Steve picked the route; it's one of his favourite mountain bike haunts as it has mud, hills and places of interest (places he's fallen off his bike)! The run was fairly uneventful. The countryside was beautiful, it was grey and cloudy but beautiful views and woodlands make for stunning running. We did see this awesome dead looking tree and I had to stop and take a picture.

We came across several horses and bike riders and another runner. All fairly run of the mill and pretty standard for a trail run I imagine.

As we ran down a hill Steve spotted two police cars in a field, with their boots up and a cluster of people around them. All very strange for the middle of the countryside at 10am on a Sunday. Perhaps someone had found a body, perhaps some stashed gold had been found, or perhaps a cat had got stuck in a ditch. We passed another police car a 4x4 just up the road near some very large houses clearly doing some mid-summer murders type investigations. A bit later on a woman on a horse with a High Vis Tabbard and a blue uniform passed us.She had a chequered band on her riding hat and though neither of us could spot the word POLICE on her anywhere, she looked pretty official. Of course being out on a long run it gives you plenty of time to speculate, ruminate and exaggerate exactly what was going on. It was (in my mind) clearly a Midsomer style mystery and I half expected Bergerac John Nettles to come hurtling down the road in his big car, knocking us over...Good job really that the only crime ,committed by us, was overdosing on jelly babies and having a Jamie Oliver Style hot chocolate with a flake as we warmed up at home after 6.15 off road miles.

Jokeathon: What is a Pirates favourite shop?  Aaaarrrrrgos!

Total miles: 32


  1. I love it when there's a bit of intrigue on a run. There is actually an online goth shop called 'Argoth' - fact :)

  2. great photos! perhaps a police car boot sale LOL

  3. Lovely running scenery Jo. Wish there was more of that round here. Well we do get lots of police cars! I'd have just ran straight up and asked what was going on, I have no shame!

  4. Ooh, curious, makes for an interesting run all the same and great tree pic

  5. Jo that was a very enthralling and amusing post, sounded a great run too. It sounds like you’ve got the right mix to make runs pleasurable and interesting. Keep up the great Janathon work

  6. Oooooh very intriguing. so you do your long run, then for 'fun' you do a 6m grim...nuts!

  7. I also like to make up thrillers, but when you're a lone runner you don't want them too scary! Sundays sound great fun! Enjoy! :-)
