Monday 2 January 2012

Achy breaky legs are shaky: Day 2

After yesterdays exciting run up and down and down and up and up and down Box Hill, my legs particularly my left knee were a little stiff and unhelpfully difficult to coordinate. After a small New Year lay in (delayed from yesterday due to early getting up to race) we decided to go out and enjoy the sunshine and have stroll to wake our legs up.  3 miles later and we were back at the car having enjoyed a walk through the mud on the other side of Box Hill (yes, I like mud). We didn't measure it and cant remember what time we set off so decided it was well over an hour long and must be around 3 miles if not more.

However, I signed up to Janathon to run every day. Having previously participated in Janathon 2011 and Juneathon 2011, I know that I can't honestly say to myself I've done it if I don't run everyday. So, after arriving home, we nipped out for a short 2mile 'recovery run'. This took us about 22 minutes and was hard, but so glad I did as it loosened up my legs. Not very hardcore I know, but I did feel I'd earned a  slice of Christmas cake on my return.

I'm hoping to keep my average mileage up a bit higher during this challenge. Last time on my 'short/recovery days' I'd sometimes only run a mile, but this year I've decided to make a 2 mile my shortest run and try if time and child permits to make that short run a 5k. Recently I've been taking part in a twitter challenge to do a plank a day. I've been doing it now for about 6 weeks and today managed 1;12 which is my best since Christmas. I'm going to try and up that everyday by a few seconds.

Today's miles:2
Total Janathon miles: 9.9 (will have to make up that .10!)
Plank: 1:12
Cakes eaten: Slice of Christmas cake
Legendary rating: -1
Fun had:10/10


  1. Well done, puts me to shame :0(

  2. Well done for running on tired legs Jo. I felt the same this morning. I know what you mean about running every day, that's my goal... if I can realise it!

  3. Well done for getting out after Box Hill yesterday! All power to your legs. I've run in that part of Surrey and while it is beautiful, it is also ouch!

  4. I feel tired just reading that - a hilly walk and a run....I think you'll be earning an extra lap at Thunder run at this rate!
