Monday 9 January 2012

Day 9: My sincere apologies for the terrible blog

My child has been at home all day sicky,
So I quickly nipped out round the block for a quickie.

It was hot, it was sweaty, it was certainly quick,
With passion and vigour my mile was slick.

Last week I was told, 'to run would do harm',
So I told the nurse 'I'd rather eat my own arm'.

I cut down my mileage as a token gesture,
reducing my training to relieve the paining (sorry!!?!)

I've got some (legal) drugs from the Doc,
who really wouldn't approve of me running round the block.

I'm hoping the drugs will make me all buff,
at the very least give me a bit more puff.

I've not quit Janathon, I'm just keeping it real
This poem unforgivably is part of that deal!

#Jokeathon: Two peanuts walk into a bar, one was a salted.

Miles today : 1
Total miles: 33


  1. At least you got in a mile - I'm stuck waiting for the Asda delivery - just hope it doesn't come whilst I'm on the Wii! Hope the pills work quickly x

  2. Reducing the mileage is proper and fitting,
    And we're all very pleased that Jo isn't quitting,
    She can't stop now, and we wouldn't let her,
    Even though her jokes could be better.
    So "Three Cheers!" for Jo and her will to succeed,
    She'll rise to the challenge, a true '-athoner' indeed!

  3. OK, how about DON'T stop running, but please... DO stop the bad jokes? HA!

    On a more serious note, I may get the same verdict from my doctor on January 16th (appt. day)... cuz of my foot (plantar fasciitis). We'll see. Be reasonable, if you want to heal... we can remind each other, OK? Cross-training is always a nice idea :-) Just sayin'

    Meanwhile, hang in there! I hope your sick child is on the mend, too :-)

  4. Hope the drugs work and you get your puff back so you can attack that table of doom! (and marathon train).
    Keep up jokeathon!

  5. Lol! Great stuff. Sorry to hear your child is ill. Our house has just been cursed with a tummy bug, and I'm really hoping I don't catch it ...
