Thursday 19 January 2012

Cross fit

I was feeling grumpy tonight. I didn't get a chance to run today and I've been plagued by intrusive thoughts from my frustrated 'inner runner'. I'm supposed to be marathon training right now, with a long run of 14 miles planned on Saturday. I'm anxious I'll be well enough to run 14, anxious I'll keep going to complete 14, and anxious that I wont let myself  and others down again!

With those thoughts in my mind, I thought the least I should do today was a plank. I managed a paltry 1:30. When I first started planking, I could just manage a whole minute, it seems I need to push myself a bit harder and reach for the elusive 2 minutes.

After my plank, I had a browse around the web and stumbled across the cross fit website. I used to be a bit of an avid follower of cross fit, trying if I could to complete the WOD, (Workout of the Day). I usually improvised some of the exercises substituting with whatever I could. It got me thinking to some of the core stuff I used to do on a regular basis. It didn't take long for me to get off the laptop and complete

  • 25 press ups (manly type)
  • 25 sit ups
  • 50 kettle bell swings 
  • 50 mountain climbers
So, I'm not feeling so cross but a bit fitter and determined to include a core workout a couple of times a week. I have a full set of kettlebells and mostly use them as doorstops, so they should be put to better use. If you're not acquainted with the bells you can check out an info video  here

Joke: What do you call a man with a spade in his head? Doug ....!


  1. I would have stopped at the 25 man-ups, that would be a major achievement for me. Good luck with your 14 miler! Good joke!

  2. That inner runner is a bugger - makes you feel damn guilty. I want to give kettle bells a go - like so many other things that I've bought and not used for a while. Hope you're feeling more yourself soon xxx

  3. Those kettle bells look vicious! Has Janathon Health & Safety done a prior risk assessment for them?

  4. Good heavens! I am lucky to be able to do 7 to 10 push ups on my toes, while you can do 25 in one shot? Impressive! :-)

    But I frown at your "...anxious that I wont let myself and others down again." Hmm. Let's review: great health is not just about planks, kettleballs & running distances or speed... it's about a calm, content mind in tandem with a strong body, right? If it's about balance, too, then there really is no "letting yourself or others down." The right choice for you is whatever you feel you need right now... & if you need a break from intense physical challenges sometimes, that IS a good fitness choice too. That is also strong mind & body, cuz isn't changing mental direction one of the strongest efforts we can untake? (Hey, maybe I'm a physchology person & don't know it yet? wink!)

    Please don't punch me as part of your new cross training, HA! Hennie-boxing is not a new fitness program ;-) XOX Take care!
