Sunday 1 January 2012

Knacker Cracker 12k : Janathon begins!

A few months ago I thought it would be a fun idea to start the New Year and my second Janathon, with a run. The Knacker Cracker 10k race is run on Box Hill. Box Hill is near Dorking in Surrey and has an elevation of roughly 735 feet. The race organiser had added 2k as it's the Olympic Year, no problem we thought!

We'd decided to dress up as it was highly encouraged by the race organiser, so we went as Wally and Wanda. Arriving at the bottom of Box Hill at the start we spotted a couple of nuns, a Santa and a handful of people looking hardcore but slightly out of place in head to foot Gore! After a quick trip to the delightful toilets at Rykers cafe, we laced up our new trail running shoes and headed to the start line.

The start line lies at the foot of the first hill which frankly looked brutal. But we cheerfully and optimistically stood and took in the atmosphere as people arrived. We saw more people in fancy dress, some smurfs, a few chaps in morph suits, a christmas tree, the cat in the hat, a few knights, wee Willie Winkie, Fred Flintstone and a Dick Dastardly. We chatted to Austin Powers who knew a mutual friend and compared notes on how we thought the race would go.

The race organiser gave a brief cheery talk before we sang the national anthem and then we were off. The first hill was completely brutal and I honestly felt totally rubbish. Feeling rubbish continued as we then ran down the same hill and up and up the zig zag road that the Olympic Cyclists will use in July. Once at the top we the descended again, this time down some very steep steps. At about 5k there was a water and jelly baby station which was very welcome after the BRUTAL hills. We passed through a kissing gate where we had a quick kiss as you do, sadly the marshal who was standing there got a bit jealous and wanted a kiss, Good job Steve was happy to oblige and gave him a big kiss! hahaha!

What then followed was a bit more up, then some more down and then some more up and some more down and then down the steps to the Stepping stones, because of health and safety (risk of being washed away) we doubled back and went up the steps again! We passed the nuns, who blessed us as they climbed the stairs to 'heaven'. It felt like hell, but we were nearing the end of the race, hurrah, one more hill up and then we jogged down the last slope to the finish line.

The race ended with a prize giving, we won team fancy dress for our 'Where's Wally?' costume, the prize was a welcome packet of jaffa cakes, I know some Janathoners who'll be jealous of our trophy!! We also got a heat changing mug, which is very cool and a technical t-shirt containing the names of every runner who took part. Unfortunately Wally didn't get a t-shirt as they'd run out, but hopefully they'll send one on as it's a really good race memento! There was also soup and cheese rolls and jaffa cakes for eveyone too.

I'd certainly recommend this race. It's pretty tough, but the views across Surrey are fantastic and it's a great way to start the year.

Miles: 7.9
Total elevation Gain:1,720 ft
Total Elevation Loss:1,753
Mud rating: grim
Scenery: Gorgeous
Race goodies: Fab!
Number of times people said 'where's Wally: Lost count!


  1. Once again well done - full of admiration and pride. Don't think I'll be joining you in the future for that one, maybe stick to spectating if I can!

  2. Jaffa cakes!!! Well jel ;-) Nice start to Janathon Jo :-)

  3. Well done Jo, sounds like a fun way to start Janathon!

  4. I'm the Cat in the Hat - great report!

  5. Fab bling and what AWESOME goodies!! I want to do it next year just for those. Great start and am well jel of the jaffa cakes, and cheese rolls and everything, Food tastes so much better when it's provided by aomeone else!

  6. Sounds great Jo. I was running from Newlands Corner towards Dorking this morning, so same neck of the woods. I know all about the hills

  7. What a lovely race - if you ignore the hills! Well done Jo! :-)

  8. I was there too - as Spiderman! If you mail Dr. Rob he'll send Wally a t-shirt that fits, he's a big softie really.

  9. You are totally mental taking on those hills on New Years day! Brilliant efforts Jo, well done!

  10. Congratulations on a great race and fab fancy dress. Big brownie points for racing (up hill) on NYD! I like the bling.

  11. Apart from the big hill aspect that sounds like an amazing race! You had me at "jelly baby station", but jaffa cakes, a mug, technical t-shirt, splendid medal, snogging AND fancy dress? Wow. Brilliant fancy dress too!

  12. Oh Jo, your costumes are wonderfully FUN! I first saw them on your Twitter pic... "oh, what is this?" Now I know! HA! Sounds like you had a banner day :-)

  13. Brilliant, an epic way to start Janathon. Love the medal :) Well done!

  14. Sounds like an A-list race to me! Great start... Well done! :-)

  15. Great fancy dress and fab mug! Well done :)
