Tuesday 23 August 2011

Loch Ness Marathon: Training update

Summer holidays are flying by and bring with them joys and challenges! Fitting in training around a child is really difficult and so quality runs are having to be pushed to the weekend. I'm on target with my long runs, I had to drop one 20 miler due to being quite poorly and on antibiotics! However, there are still another two 20s to do so I'm happy that it should be OK!  I've also done a fair bit of cycling and that's really good fun and helping the fitness levels too.
Those of you who have read previous blogs will know I work with a Down's Syndrome charity once a a week, (some of the children pictured above) and I've decided to raise money for them with this marathon. You can sponsor me HERE!

I've just got new running shoes as the previous pair have run themselves into the ground! On saturday I'm off for my first sports massage! Ouch, I'm expecting it to hurt!!!

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