Sunday 17 July 2011

The Sting of the Hangover: Sunday 17th July

After a night of Pimms, Wine, Baileys and late night cottage pie at midnight, I wasn't really looking forward to a long run this morning. Met a very croaky Steve at the corner of the road to discover he'd got home an hour later than me after a night at the pub...neither of us were feeling  full of the joys of being a runner.

A quick dose of 'man up' spray and we headed off in an northerly direction. Highlights along the way included running lady who'd 'lost' her running partner!! And Steve being attacked by a mutant stinging nettle which attacked his leg, trouble was he'd been weaving all over the track which apparently was nothing at all to do with being drunk whilst on a run! Fast forward a couple of hours and we'd clocked up almost fourteen miles, I  wasn't content with one stinging incident and was suddenly attacked by a bee stinging me, it had got down my t-shirt and made me leap about screaming! At first Steve thought I was performing some kind of victory 'Yay I ran 14 miles ' dance, but soon noticed the offending insect flying out of my top! OUCH!!!  We ran back to my friends house where I had abandoned my car last night. I decided I wanted to top up my mileage to marathon distance with a bike ride, so dashed home changed into biking gear and back out to rendevouz with Steve again!

We clocked up 16 miles on the bike taking total daily miles to 30, not bad for a lazy Sunday. The ride was good but included a rather savage hill after which I was allowed a rest and a home made hob nob!! Nom nom!!

Miles run:14
Miles cycled:16
Bee stings:1
Nettle stings:1

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great effort and with a hangover as well! ;)
