Sunday 10 July 2011

British 10k

After being poorly this week with an unexpected flare up of asthma, it was with trepidation I got ready for the London 10k. Ian, Steve and I enjoyed a lovely dinner and relaxed evening of chat about nothing in particular and turned in early ready for a 5:50 start in the morning.

Ian and I were collected at 5:50 and we headed to Gatwick to get on the luxurious Gatwick Express, admittedly it's not very luxurious but it is quick, you get a seat and a guaranteed train home every 15 minutes!

Once in London we made our way to the start of the race, two tube stops and a short walk and we were at the baggage drop off area. It's a bit like the London Marathon, with thousands of people running about 25,000 I think. Baggage drop off complete and race numbers fixed on we headed to the inevitable porta loo stop, there are no words to describe a race portaloo experience so I'll leave it at just one word, GRIM!

The walk to the start was very slow, and once we were in position in the start queue outside the Park Lane Hotel it was getting on time wise. The Marching Band came back and forth and was entertaining, but nothing can surpass the Lord Mayor of Wesminster singing the National Anthem out of tune, I think they had forgotten to turn her mic down!!! Terribly funny for us as awe waited bored to start the race. Eventually it all started and we was so busy and  there were soooo many walkers which was disappointing as it slows you down.

Nonetheless it was an enjoyable run, marred only by me having to swig some inhaler at 8 k! There were a couple of tunnels and GARMIN GPS doesn't like tunnels so my time isn't quite accurate, but should come in at something like 56minutes which is totally OK for the crowds the heat and not feeling well!!

Post race goody bag, was a medal, t-shirt, chewing gum and some granola stuff bit disappointing, but not as disappointing to get back to bag storage to find my bag was open, nothing taken but a bit disappointing ( mobile and purse were with Steve's mum).

What we did find out today is that Ian is a faster runner than he thinks, I can comfortably run 8 minute something miles but I need more practice and Steve paces me really well but held back today from running like the wind.

It was a lovely day. Now the focus is on marathon training and increasing the miles and not slowing up too much!

Thanks for reading :o)


  1. Nice one Jo. Hopefully you saw some amazing sights on your way round.

  2. Well done - good time considering the heat and the fact that you've not been well.
    But chewing gum in a post-race goody-bag?! That's just weird!

  3. Well done - and good luck with your marathon training.

  4. Oh, the needing of inhaler sounds scary! Does it hurt when you start to need it? Or is it just wheezing butnot painful? Still... sounds frightening to me. And glad nothing was stolen from your bag! Geez, that did not at all sound like a fun race... but you were with friends, which makes everything easier :-) Good job!

  5. Sorry we didn't get to see you at the British 10k but we hope to catch up sometime in the future!
