Friday 24 June 2011

To run or not to run: Day 24

To run, or not to run: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The aches and pains of endless miles,
Or to rest against a sofa of defeat,
And by ending Juneathon? To stop: to sleep;
No more; and weep to say I am at the end
The heart-ache and the thousand bad looks
That from other Juneathoners consternation
Oh how I wish'd. To end, to sleep;

I'm a bit tired, but still running :o)
Roll on the end of June!



  1. HA! Fabulous!

  2. Hear, hear! My legs ache and I've only been walking - less than a week left now! :)

  3. Gods will! I pray thee, wish not one mile more.
    By Jove, I am not covetous of the table of doom,
    Nor care I who doth run the most miles,
    It yearns me not if men expensive running garments wear,
    Such outward things dwell not in my desires,
    But if it be a sin to covet M&M's
    I am the most offending soul alive!
    Proclaim it, Jo, through your blog,
    That he which hath no stomach for Juneathon,
    Let him depart, his passport shall be made,
    And crowns for bus fare put into his purse,
    We would not run in that mans company,
    That fears his sanity to run with us.
    This month is called the feast of Juneathon,
    He that outlives this month, and comes safe home,
    Will stand a-tiptoe when this month is named,
    And rouse him at the name of Juneathon,
    He that shall outlive this month and see old age,
    Will yearly on the vigil, feast his running buddies,
    And say "Tomorrow is Juneathon",
    Then will he strip his compression tights and show his scars,
    And say "These wounds I had in Juneathon",
    Old men forget, yet all shall be forgot,
    But he'll remember with advantages,
    What feats he did that month. Then shall our names,
    Familiar in his mouth as household words,
    Auswomble the king, reliableplodder and runningman856,
    Jo365, fairweatherrunner and the Maggathon,
    Be in their recovery shakes freshly remembered,
    This story shall the good man teach his son,
    And June shall ne'er go by,
    From this day to the ending of the world,
    But we in it shall be remembered.
    We few, we crazy few, we band of runners,
    For he today that sheds his sweat with me,
    Shall be my brother, be he ne'er so vile,
    This month shall gentle his condition,
    And athletes in England now abed,
    Shall think themselves accurs'ed they were not here,
    And hold their trainers cheap whiles any speaks,
    That ran with us in Juneathon.

  4. Love! Totally love!! Also completely love ian's comment above which has made me feel a little like I should go and fight in a war... I'm off to find a suitably middle English one now!!!

  5. You are both genius' or it is genii?

    You are clearly both fabulous! and I am lining up behind you alongside Maggiee :)

  6. I love Juneathon. Not for its endless running, but for its ability to bring forth boundless creativity! :-)
