Saturday 25 June 2011

The Desiderata of Juneathon: Day 25

Go placidly amid the mud and the puddles, 
and remember what peace can be found on off road trails.

As far as possible, without surrender, 
be on good terms with all Juneathoners. 
Speak your activity quietly and clearly; 
and blog with interest and spark, 
even when nothing bloggable is forthcoming; 
you too have a story but let it not be dull.  
Avoid sharing loud and aggressive blogs;they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, 
you may become depressed and disheartened, 
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. 
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 
Keep interested in your own attainments, however humble and small; 
it is a real possession on the table of doom.

Exercise caution in your choice of clothes, 
for the world is full of fabrics that do not wick. 
But let not your choice of asics blind you to Mizuno; 
many persons strive for expensive trainers,  
and the best in lycra and tactel.  
But many would not be part of such a challenge. 
Neither be cynical about cycling, walking or aerobics,  
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, 
they are still considered as sport. (apart from pilates)

Take kindly the counsel of your aching body,
gracefully surrendering to the frantically repairing mitochondria. 
Nurture strength of spirit and much pasta to fuel your way. 
But do not distress yourself with hangovers or cakefests. 
Many binges are born of fatigue and loneliness. 

Beyond a wholesome nutritionally balanced diet, 
be gentle with yourself. 
You are a child of Juneathon no less than the professional athletes; 
you have a right to be here.  
And whether or not you are enjoying it, 
no doubt the table of doom is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with DOMS and lactic acid build up, 
whatever you do to relieve it. 
And whatever your choice of anti-inflamatory be it Boots or Tesco, 
in the noisy confusion of June,  
keep peace in your soul and lucozade in your cupboard. 

With all its aches, pains, heartache and injury
it is still a beautiful month.  Be cheerful. 
Strive to be fit and remember it will probably rain.

Total miles:130
Creme eggs eaten:1
Days left:5


  1. Brilliant! Made me go to reread the original.

  2. Total genius! When's the single due out? (plus do you do Kahlil Gibran as well by any chance?!)

  3. I love this series of "classics" you are tweaking! So much fun to read...

  4. Alas, I fear my blog today may be slightly dull...
    And where did you find a a creme egg at this time of year?!!

  5. I like the bit about Pilates.

  6. Genius...again!

    But the Pilates bit...pah, you're doing it wrong! :)
