Monday 20 June 2011

A blog about my run: Day 20

This is my blog about my jog:
I went for a run,
There was no sun.

I ran 7 miles,
Jumping over a few stiles. 
(this bit is a lie because there were no stiles )
My legs were wired,
but my brain is tired...

I have now beaten my aims,
And I have a few pains,
Can I stop now?
And take a bow?

Total miles:96.6
Crap bogs:1
Serious braindead feelings: several


  1. Stop? Now? What the hell you talkin' 'bout?
    There's 10 days of pain left to go, and if we're all doing it, then you are too. It's compulsory, I insist!
    Come on Jo, nearly at 100 miles, and who knows what else you could achieve in the next 10 days, 150? 200?

  2. Exactly, you're two-thirds of the way through - don't give up now!!
