Tuesday 21 June 2011

Statistically significant: Day 21

Stats will kill your brain cells one by one, here is proof after several days of revising for my 3 hour stats exam... :o) 
Dedicated to my lovely geeky friend Dr C, who loves stats and reads my blog even though she isn't taking part in Juneathon

My Juneathon aim was to beat my Janathon total of 90 miles. I totally did this yesterday, and today hit the mean number of 100. I'm only an average runner and I'd made the assumption that I'd be able to hit  a critical value of 90 miles. This month I've had more residual energy and this has meant that my mean is higher almost 5miles per day, which is great. I suppose if you take all the factors into account, I'm physically fitter and mentally stronger than I was in January and that explains the variance

I've really enjoyed finding communalities with other Juneathoners and particularly my unending chase/race/ohdearI'velostmypace with @reliableplodder Mark, who has proved to be both reliable with his moving averages, and frankly not much of a plodder! 

It seems that Juneathoners have shared many common factors such as a correlation between running and hunger, running and the amount of washing to be done, and the never ending physical and mental challenge that is juneathon.

All power to us, we're all a range of different people, working to different parameters, at the end of the day we're a random sample of people from the population, doing our best to stay fit and keep going for anova day! 

Miles today: 5.3
Total miles:102
Exams left:2


  1. This is, by far, my favourite! I *love* how you fit in 'ANOVA' :o)

  2. [trumpet fanfare] Way to meet that goal! Awesome!

    I too have been enjoying the diverse Juneathon community :-) so glad I signed up, to work on my own fitness in the online company of like-minded folks in all ability & experience ranges!

  3. Well done on your ton. Hope you manage not to regress.

  4. Tell me about all the washing all this exercise is producing! It's a good job running kit doesn't need ironing or else our ironing basket would be reaching its critical value ;)
