Tuesday 17 May 2011

Two-run Tuesday

Today I met a fellow psychology student at 9. Ian is very, very tall and has never really run outside before only on the dreadmill. However he was up for a spot of early morningish (we are students after all) running. We had a quick planning meeting which involved Ian saying he'd 'do whatever and run whatever I ran!'.

I had no idea how fit Ian was and if we'd make a mile or not. We set off at a reasonable pace across Stanmer park in Brighton. Before us stretched rolling hills and green as far as the eye could see. Ian did really well keeping a good average pace for a first outdoor run. We stopped and walked a couple of times, but the hills were pretty savage and so we were more than justified, there was the added difficulty of taking the rather scenic, mid woods route which involved jumping tree roots and dodging low laying branches, logs and dead bodies.

We were glad to begin a gradual descent from the hill and came across a few dog walkers with several dogs. I stopped as I'm a bit dog phobic and was encouraged to 'keep running' by the dog owner...cheek! Ian isn't dog phobic and mostly I think he likes dogs. Unfortunately when out running there is often an event, something that sticks in your mind long after the muscle aches have gone. Today it involved Ian running, a small Jack Russell (also running), Ians legs, feet and a rather shocked dog who tried to dodge between Ian's legs, whilst Ian was running! I'd like to say the dog went flying into the air as it would sound dramatic and exciting, but sadly I think all that really happened was Ian feeling bad he didn't preempt a stupid dogs sense of direction, and the dog wishing he hadn't played chicken with Ian and lost!!!!

That said it was a great run with Ian clocking up a good 5k in just over 32 minutes. Not bad for a newbie trail runner... :o) Well done Ian.

Tonight I went for a 5k training run with Steve, who is very fast and has long legs that go far, far faster than mine. We did however clock up 5k in just over 27minutes, 6 seconds quicker than Saturday and that included me walking a bit with a stitch! Am definitely getting quicker and able to cope with the speed, which is all good. We past the moat at Harroldslea, which I have run past many a time, but never noticed, just assumed it was a ditch!!! Though I've never had a tour guide/amateur historian to point out local historical sights of interest!

Slight conflict running with Steve, who likes speed and running on the pavement, whilst I prefer to be off road and in the quiet! But we managed it and there was no moaning from me tonight!

So, two runs 10k total, early night I think.

1 comment:

  1. Two runs - must be that table of doom!
    Dangerous running with long legged friends... I always feel I've done double the steps!
    (hey, do you think short legged juneathoners can claim more miles per mile?!!)
