Monday 6 January 2014

Great Expectations: Day 6

Today I started a new chapter in my life. A new job. I wasn't feeling too bad about it until I had to drive through a really bad flood to actually get to my new school! Once I arrived safe, I was shaking, I think this was more to do with flood anxiety than new job nerves! Today has passed unremarkably. I hope I will soon carve a place for myself and make friends and finally get a bit of a grip on my future career after my long post-graduate procrastinations!

I'm working part-time now...werhoo! Just 30 hours a week and I get a lunch break and a thing called 'coffee break' too'. Hence not being too tired when I got home...but once I started running I did start to feel tired. So just 3 miles ran and 3 miles on the bike.