Tuesday 15 October 2013

Trail Shoe Review: Brooks ASR 9

A couple of months ago, I had to pension off my beloved Mizuno Wave  trail shoes. To be fair, I'd had them nearly two years, they were being held together by emergency gaffa tape repair, and they were ripped in at least 3 places. They've seen a fair bit of mud, rain and cow pat action. Despite their timely demise, I was a little bit attached to them- they've been good to me! 

New shoes were called for and the nice people at Run to Live  analysed my gait and sorted me out with a lovely looking pair of Brooks ASR 9.

The new shoes received a complete baptism of fire at the Addidas TR24 run, which you can read about here. Following my evening escapades on the TR24 course they were caked in mud, stinking and soaking wet. I cleaned them off really well. Since then however they appeared to have shrunk!

I have run a couple of times in them since and am now sporting 3 small black toenail spots. Yikes!

During Sunday's all-day-biblical-proportion-torrential-rain-downpour we nipped out for a quick 10k. Disappointingly, these shoes did very little to keep my feet dry. Even splashing in a small puddle seemed enough to completely drench my foot. By the end of our trail run we'd encountered a small amount of  mud, large puddles and the odd motorist splashing us. My Brooks ASR 9s were drenched, sodden and heavy.

It's my belief that these shoes are not meant for heavy, winter, muddy trail use. They are probably better suited to summer running on dry and dusty trails*.

I've now come to the realisation that I probably need a pair of gore tex trail shoes if we're going to successfully complete the training for the London 2 Brighton Challenge. I'm certainly not giving up mud and puddles!

*Brooks ASR 9 will be safely packed away ready for next spring!


  1. I guess Salomon is not that expensive for no reason LOL! I may have to bite the bullet and get some

  2. you can bring them out for TR24 2014, there will be no puddles or mud this time LOL
