Friday 8 June 2012

Day 8: Little Miss Sleepy

This morning I dragged myself out of bed for a very windy 3 miles, I looked dead and felt it too. It's now 7pm and I am feeling tired. Long run tomorrow so I'm looking forward to adding a few more miles, the last few days have been a bit short of my aim. This is turning into a sleep-a-thon, I had forgotten how tired a peak training week makes you!!

Miles today: 3
Total :48


  1. Sleep athon what great idea, bu am guessing blogs will to be as interesting

  2. I'm not sure about that Shaz, I know that there's been some interesting dreams during Juneathon - murdering (though no shrubberies) and everything!

  3. Mmmmm, Sleepathon. Yes, please, where do I sign up?
