Monday 11 June 2012

Day 11: Little Miss Peg-Leg

Little Miss Peg-Leg returned from a hard day sitting on her backside in the office and in a meeting earning a crust, she immediately changed into her running gear and instructed small-psycho-jogger to 'get her head down and get on with her homework' complete her home learning. She nipped out for a short run, and whilst the weather was indeed blowy (about force 2-3) and a little drizzly, it was not to deter this brave young Pirate. Whilst running ( at risk of losing readers who get bored easily- I must tell this tale for it fits with the theme, in fact it IS the theme) she noticed a slight pain in her shin, which made her loll to one side like a soon-to-sink titanic; coupled with an aching pain in her left hand, ( following a fall on saturday's run) it seems that a peg leg and a hook for a hand would be sensible replacement limbs to coming up to the half Juneathon point! Undeterred by these most piratey of afflictions the run was completed and the run streak intact!

Miles today : 4
Total miles: 67
Number of peg-legs: 1


  1. I think I need a peg leg too - well done on 4 miles after a long day at work x

  2. I think you can get them in Arrrrgos! :D

  3. right me hearty, how was your first day?
