Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 10: Little Miss Get-it-done

There was no finesse or enthusiasm about today's run. After yesterdays epic trial and hill run coupled with a bad nights sleep, today's run was a case of 'I have to run because it's Juneathon'. If it had been May or July, I would most probably have curled up on the sofa and enjoyed an ancient episode of 'Come dine with me' or even worse 'Homes under the hammer'. But no, this is June, and so I had no choice but to trudge out for 2 sleepy miles eventually making it home before falling into a coma. The only thing to report was a slight stomach ache, which I can attribute to the classic magnum I consumed approximately 30 minutes before my run- bad idea!!

Tomorrow I go back to work full time! I have been a student for the past three years (working only one cushy day per week), and I have returned to work gradually, I've only been working 17 hours a week since April. I have some new 'clients' this term that I feel are going to be particularly challenging- although I'm going to need my post-work runs, I think I am going to be extra tired this week!

I hope everyone else has more energy than me today!

Hours due to work this week:35 (arragghhh)


  1. Oh I know that feeling all too well. Hope you enjoyed the magnum and hope work goes well!

  2. Good luck with full time hours Ive not done that many for 16 years !

  3. Oh Jo, I can so relate to the dismal outlook of a hard workweek ahead. I'll hang in if you do? Meanhwhile, cheers to you for managing a perfunctory run "just because"!

  4. oooh good luck with full time - you'll be knackered by friday, make sure you plan you lunches and dinners and everything to keep your energy up!

  5. good luck for tomorrow xx
