Friday 1 June 2012

The dawn of Juneathon: A splendid run by Mr Slow

A new day dawned bright and warm and many runners across the land leapt out of bed and hurried to put on their running kit   groaned and hid under the duvet wondering what the hell they let themselves in for.

Mr Slow, got up, made some porridge and, after heading out on the school run to deposit a small child at  a place of learning, waited for Mr Fast to arrive and drive them both to the bottom of a rather large hill.

Mr Slow rather likes hills, although slow, Mr Slow finds that climbing hills is fun and so the 1081 feet elevation of the planned 10 or so miles wasn't off putting.

Mr Slow, was indeed slow but the fact it was a very hot day didn't deter him and Mr Fast from running a very splendid 10.67 miles along and up and down and up and along and up and up and along and down and up the North Downs Way.

Mr Slow and Mr Fast had a very nice lunch of mushroom soup and a magnum. It was a slow but splendid start to Juneathon, the challenge of nutters.

Miles: 10.67
Magnums: 1


  1. Liking the literary theme - good luck with this year's juneathon - gutted I won't be joining in! x

  2. Love the photo x Well done on 10 miles + that should shake up Reliable Plodder, I told him you were doing 5 today lol x I think he ran round the garden! Mushroom Soup sounds delicious. Is Mr Men the theme for the whole blog or will you be choosing different characters?

  3. Immense start! A Magnum just after a long run is just what the doctor ordered!

  4. Blimey, that's one hell of good start to Juneathon, well done!

  5. wow 10 miles up and down hills.. hope mr SLow and mr Fast are having a relaxing evening

  6. 10 miles already? Oh, you must be running for both of us then :-) I'm only hear cuz Lesley said you might be blogging about men all month, HA!

  7. "I'm only HERE" not "hear"! Oh God, if the grammar police show up, I'm dead in the water.

  8. Wow, that's a great start to the month - a 10 mile hilly run!

  9. Impressive stuff!

  10. love the theme (?) and those are lovely miles in that part of the world. Near to the UKs very own Marathon du Medoc at Denbies

  11. Brilliang start - am keeping my fingers and toes and ears crossed that you win!
