Monday 21 November 2011

Brighton 10k:Somewhere over the seafront...

Somewhere over the seafront-
Way down there
There’s no sand
On the sea front
But there’s a few deck chairs

Some day once in November-
Skies were blue
And the runners assembled
Awaiting their PB dreams
To come true 

I didn’t hear the starter gun
But followed on and started to run
Along the prom (prom prom)
Where sweaty bodies mingled with
The salty air and smell of chips
That’s where you could find me.

Someday once in November-
I pushed hard
And I ran like the wind
And didn’t really pause
For breath.

Someday I'll run a speedy race
And keep up with my boyfriend's pace
And he’ll be far behind me (whoop)
Where PBs are like grains of sand
Slipping through a sweaty hand
That's where you'll find me 

I ran a 10k PB (on Sunday)
And I’m chuffed
And I’m starting to wonder if
All my other races were fluffed

If I can run a sub 9 minute mile
Along the sea front with a smile
I had it in me all the while 

NB: great day for a PB 55:47 for me and one for Lesley and Alma too, well done girls :o)


  1. Bravo! on the PB and the lyrics!

  2. What a great post Jo, well done! :)

  3. very good! we will have to do one for TR24! Each time I think about TR, that AC/DC song pops into my head!

  4. Brill for creative streak and pb! :-}
