Sunday 16 October 2011

Testing testing 1-15 :Sketchers Pro-speed resistance running shoes

I've been sent a pair of Sketchers ProSpeed resistance running shoes. I've only been out for about 5.5 miles in them and have decided that in order to give them a fair chance, I'd apply the 'try something 15 times before you decide if you like it or not!' rule. This rule works for food, so maybe it will work for these shoes.

The blurb from Sketchers claim the shoes will 'guide you into a position that transforms impact into elastic (reusable) energy'. Presumably this is something to do with the curved part of the sole, which when you run or walk forces you to strike the ground with your mid-foot. It does seem to push you into that kind of stride and I felt more efficient when running at a faster pace, between 8-9 minute miles.

I took them for a few miles across a favourite run that crossed a range of terrain, partly road, partly trail the shoes were given a good test. I think the curved nature of the sole makes you slightly more likely to wobble if you hit an uneven part of the ground, this was more so on the trail than on the concrete path and a couple of times I found myself trying to catch my balance.

At one point I was waiting on the side of the path in a wide clearing, there was a horse approaching and as it passed me it suddenly turned back and went for me! I wasn't even running, it gave me quite a shock and I think the rider had trouble with getting it to behave, she was hitting the poor horse quite a bit, no doubt she'd not seen the new rules on whipping horses!!! I'm not sure if the shoes attracted the horse, or if the horse would have gone for me if I'd be wearing my regular Asics. I guess next time I run in the sketchers I'll know if I'm attacked by a horse again, that the shoes could be a contributing factor!

So 2/15 runs in the sketchers completed, I'll keep you posted on my verdict, so far the juries still out. I hope to film a compare and contrast with running in these and my regular runners to see if there's a difference.

Happy running everyone...


  1. I don't love the fact that you were attacked by a horse but I do love the fact that you questioned whether it may have been caused by your shoes ;)

  2. I admire your dedication to fair testing - 15 runs! Would be really interesting to video and see what running in them compares to your normal ones.
    Maybe the horse took dislike to the shoes being too shiny and new, you'll have to dip them in some more mud!
