Sunday 25 September 2011

Taper madness: Loch Ness 2011

It's just one week to go until I run my second marathon. The day began watching the Berlin Marathon with scrambled eggs and mugs of tea. This was a relaxing and inspiring start to the day. The world marathon record was broken by Patrick Makau it now stands at 2:3:38, what a fantastic day for him. Paula Radcliffe came third in the women's race, a fantastic come back for her and a good enough time for qualification in the 2012 Olympics in 2012.

So, after watching the elite finish the race Steve and I started out on our run. It was surprisingly warm for a late September day and I'd chosen to wear a black technical t-shirt from my last race, what a wardrobe disaster! We mused while we were running along about how long it takes for our legs to wake up. After one mile Steve asked me how my legs were, frankly I didn't know how to answer, as a trained up marathoner, I feel like my legs should be feeling tip top all the time, but at 1 mile they were still warming up, I think this is ok though..?
Looking like I'm having fun!
By the second mile we'd warmed up, run through the built up area and approached the woodland trail we were going to run up. It's a well trodden route for us and goes all the way to Greenwich! As we ran up the first hill, we came across a huddle of girl hikers who seemed to have just stopped and didn't seem lost or in trouble so we ran on.

Mediation lady
Steve suddenly spotted a lady sitting just off the path in the lotus position. Those that regularly take part in exercise outdoors either walking, running or biking know that part of the fun is seeing things, meeting people you don't normally across see when you're in the car or at home. I sneakily took a picture of this lady, who clearly hadn't anticipated the heavy traffic on route 21, it's hardly a peaceful spot for meditation !

Steve running off into the autumnal trees.
Continuing up the hill it was mostly uneventful, we focused on breathing and getting up the hill in once piece! The Loch Ness marathon profile can probably be described as undulating, with a steep downhill and a few uphills! Today's hills were a welcome challenge. We soon crossed the road and spotted a few cyclists taking part in a local charity event, 'The Cake Quest'. I've really missed cycling as we've mostly been concentrating on running in these last few weeks running up to the marathon, once we're back from Scotland and Steve has run the Royal Parks Half, we've plans afoot to buy road bikes, it's all very exciting and I can't wait to get out on two wheels again.

Plenty of time to cross train on the swings.
We were soon ran back into a housing area, there was just time for me to have a swing at the playground, this wasn't a serious run after all it was a 10 mile taper filler time killer. Fortunately I wasn't arrested even though I am slightly over the '12 years or under' age limit.

'Gate analysis'!

There is still much discussion around running shoes and injuries and the amount of money we've forked out for new shoes, physio and ice packs. To add to the taper madness today we had time for a bit of spontaneous 'gait analysis'!!

Steve and I have been watching the 'League of Gentlemen' which includes a long running sketch about a local shop for local people. When we noticed this sign it caused much hilarity and I couldn't resist taking a picture! In fact I popped into the 'local shop' resisted asking if it was for 'local people', and asked them if they had would refill my water bottle for me. The very nice man let me go out the back and fill it up myself from his kitchen whilst the customers just stood there in disbelief!!! It really was a very hot day and we both drank far more than we normally would on a 10 miler.

At 8 miles we reached a really flat boring bit of road and Steve really picked up the pace, I managed to keep up and we did the next mile in a fairly quick pace. With all the stopping for photos and swinging and filling water bottles, I'd stopped and started my Garmin so many times I had forgotten to turn it back on so I was about .6 of a mile out on my stats!! Doh! Not the first time I've done this on a run! I should learn!

We made it back home to my house having run just over 10 miles, feeling OK, hot but glad that the last long run of my taper is done. The week holds a few 3 milers and maybe a 4, werhoo! We fly to Scotland on Wednesday and are hoping to run part of the course when we arrive!

Post run recovery was a guilt free chocolate muffin. Well done to all those who ran well or cycled brilliantly today it was a good day for sport.

If you'd like to sponsor me for my marathon attempt you can click here, I'm running for a local charity involved in supporting babies, toddlers and children with Down syndrome. Thank you for reading I'm always amazed people will read my random ramblings!

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