Monday 27 June 2011

Juggleathon: Day 27 :o(

It's day 27 and only 3 Juneathoning days left. I'm feeling quite sad about it and wondering what I'm going to do with exams/end of term coinciding with the end of Juneathon...!

I have been juggling today, school run, then a 4 mile terrible run in the heat, was really bad even by my poor running standards, am not even going to upload the Garmin stats because it's shockingly bad!!! Then revision, then a call from mini-psychojog who'd left part of her play costume behind, so off to school to deliver it, then revision, then lunch, then revision, then Tesco shop, then revision, then a break to watch Nadal play the tie break in the first set whilst eating my tea, then off to collect mini from her friends house, then home, then chase mini to bed, then wash up, then call from mother, then watering the runner beans, then blog, and then finally might get to watch a bit more tennis and then bed before my last exam tomorrow! Yipee!

Only three days left in Juneathon and I can't wait till wednesday because I'll have no other plans in the day apart from running and NOT studying!! Yay!

Well done everyone, make these last days count! :oD Enjoy!

Terrible sweaty hot miles:4.2
Total: 139
Exams taken :5
Exams left: 1


  1. Know exactly what you mean! It's all getting a bit too much.
    Good luck with the final exam.

  2. Sounds like a hectic day - good luck with your exam tomorrow!!
