Wednesday 29 June 2011

Hand signals: Day 29!!

Today was the last but one run of Juneathon, so a no frill blog today.

I've run an average of 5.6miles everyday this month so far, and here is a few observations I've made....

1, I am capable of far more than I think, my body has adapted well to the challenge and whilst I am shattered and am quite excited about a few days off running, I've been amazed at how I've recovered. I think my average running speed has increased, though today's long run was slooow!

2, I do strange things with my left hand when I run. My right hand seems to manage to stay normal and relaxed, but lately I've noticed my left hand doing what can only be described as 'The ET pointy finger'! I've done a bit of research and found that the ET pointy finger is common among runners.

Here is Liz, displaying the ET pointy finger, I figured if it's ok for Liz yelling, it's ok for me too...?

3, Running with others is so much more fun than running alone, I've found I enjoy my runs and perform better when running with others, so thanks to those who've endured running with me over the month!

4, Out and back long runs should be banned by the the British Athletic Association, they are psychologically exhausting, I can cope with a 13, but today's 17 was really hard!!

5. Running with my Trionz bracelet does seem to make a difference to me,but it could be the placebo effect as scientifically I've not come across any randomized, robust clinical trials that say it has an effect on performance, maybe it acts as a motivator, convincing your brain you're feeling fab! Anyway I like it and will continue to run with it!

Total miles:163
Days left in Juneathon:1 :o(


  1. Clearly the ET pointy finger is the sign of a true athlete :)

  2. I am with you on the pointy finger, but mine generally ends up looking like a pretend gun, with trigger finger and everything!

  3. I have never given my hands a thought while running... now I will be curious... I will have to check mine today!

  4. Better a pointy finger than a fist of clamminess, which is what my hands seem to do when I take my eyes off them ;)
